Event Date
May 5, 2012 (All day)
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Atlantic Coast Kite Festival Radio Commercial
Colors in the Sky!
Atlantic Coast Kite Festival
Saturday-Sunday, May 5-6,
Virginia Beach Oceanfront on Saturday,
May 5
City Park in Portsmouth on Sunday, May 6
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Kite fliers and spectators of all ages will experience a visual feast at the 8th Annual Atlantic Coast Kite Festival Saturday-Sunday, May 5-6, 2012! Held in two locations, this popular event features a variety of activities appropriate for all ages and all levels of kite aficionados. “Colors in the Sky” is the theme that participants will explore in the Atlantic Coast Kite Festival’s “Best Kite Contest.” Everyone is invited to take part in the Atlantic Coast Kite Festival’s “Best Kite Contest.” To enter this contest, participants bring a kite that they have made or purchased and fly it at the festival. The contest consists of two parts: the actual kite itself (how it looks and how well it is made), and the participant’s ability to fly the kite. Participants must be able to fly their kites consecutively in the air for 5 minutes at a height of 100 feet. Kites will be judged on Flight (ability to fly for 5 minutes), Structural Design, Craftsmanship, and Visual Appeal. There will be three competitive divisions: Master, Novice, and Youth (ages 7-14). Kites will be photographed and entered in the “People’s Choice” contest, where festival attendees get to vote in their favorite kites! Trophies will be awarded for all divisions. Participants are encouraged to decorate their kites according to the theme “Colors in the Sky.”
The Best Kite Contest is free to enter, and takes place from 2:00pm-4:00pm each day.
“Flight Training” - Experienced kite enthusiasts will be holding classes for novice flyers. These classes will cover such topics as equipment selection, laying out of lines, setting up the field, launching the kite, flying and landing a kite, and safety.
Flight Training will take place each day.
Schedule of activities:
Kite Festival in Virginia Beach – Saturday, May 5, 2012 – 10:00am-4:00pm on the beach at 17th Street and in the 17th Street Park. Features the Best Kite Contest. In addition, families are invited to participate in kite building workshops led by Archie Stewart of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Archie is a member of: American Kitefliers Association (AKA) www.aka.kite.org and Past Board Member and Chairman of Festivals and Competitions for Kites Over New England (KONE) www.kone.org the regional kite club of New England. He is also a member of ConnectiKiters kite club, headquartered in Norwalk, CT and a member and competitor of the Eastern League Flyers Association. These workshops (for a nominal fee) include kite materials and instructions on how to build a kite, as well as the aerodynamics of kite flying and kite safety.
American Kite Association members from throughout the East Coast will present kite demonstrations, perform kite routines to music, and fly giant kites (up to 80 feet long) that include an octopus kite! Kite vendors will be on site to sell various kinds of kites.
Awards will also be given each day for oldest and youngest kitefliers, funniest kite, most unusual kite, and biggest kite.
Admission to the kite festival is free.
Kite Festival in Portsmouth – Sunday, May 6, 2012 – 10:00am-4:00pm at City Park in Portsmouth (140 City Park Avenue). Features the Best Kite Contest. In addition, families are invited to participate in kite building workshops led by Archie Stewart of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. These workshops include kite materials and cover the aerodynamics of kite flying and kite safety. American Kite Association members from throughout the Southeast will present kite demonstrations, perform kite routines to music, and fly giant kites (up to 80 feet long) that include an octopus kite! Kite vendors will be on site to sell various kinds of kites.
There is a nominal charge for the kite building workshop led by Archie Stewart.
The Atlantic Coast Kite Festival is sponsored by the Oceanfront Inn, Jackite, the Portsmouth Art & Cultural Center, Verizon Wireless, Pepsi, Monster Energy, the City of Virginia Beach, and Integrated Management Group.