Beach Music Weekend

Event Date
May 17 2012 - May 20 2012

Event Stages
  • On the beach at 30th Street
Event Date: 
May 17 2012 - May 20 2012
On the beach at 30th Street

Beach Music Weekend blends the best of the “oldies” with dancing under the stars in a jam-packed blast to the past!  Settle into the sand as the top Beach Music bands from up and down the East Coast descend on the Virginia Beach oceanfront in a nostalgic salute to the “good old days” of cool cars and hot tunes. A three-day series of free concerts is presented on a stage built right on the beach at 30th Street.  Evening shows on Thursday and Friday give way to a full day of entertainment on Saturday and more daytime concerts on Sunday.  All beach performances are free to the public.  Thursday’s ticketed show takes place in a local restaurant.  The festival atmosphere is enhanced with beer and food served in tents on the sand alongside a sea of beach chairs and dancing couples!  Boardwalk sponsors and vendors overlook the beach, luring visitors from the boardwalk into the fun of Beach Music Weekend!  A giant 20-foot inflatable jukebox on the beach towers over the fun as festival-goers kick off their shoes and dance their cares away on the sands of Virginia Beach.

2012 Entertainment Schedule

Thursday, May 17 (Pre-Festival Party) *Ticketed Event*
Neptune's Restaurant
7:30pm-10:30pm (The Entertainers)

Friday, May 18 *FREE*
29th St. Beach Stage (Door 6:30pm)
7:30pm-10:30pm (Craig Woolard Band)

Saturday, May 19 *FREE*
29th St. Beach Stage (Door 11am)
Noon-2pm (Coolin' Out)
2:30pm-4:30pm (Bill Deal's Phondels)
5pm-7pm (The Mystic Soul Bubba's)
7:45pm-10:30pm (The Embers)

Sunday, May 30 *FREE*
29th St. Beach Stage (Door 11am)
Noon-3pm (Main Event)
3:30pm-6pm (Band of Oz)