International Grandmasters and many local favorites are among those scheduled to compete at the Millennium Chess Festival at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.
Players compete in five sections: Open, U2200, U1900, U1600, and U1300.
The Grandmaster Exhibition and Dinner event on Saturday has become a wildly popular component of the Millennium Chess Festival. The match and dinner, to be held 7:00pm, will feature GM Joel Benjaminn and GM John Fedorowicz. Tickets are $20 ($25 after February 26).
The MCF Blitz Tournament, also held Saturday night, is one of the highlights of the Millennium Chess Festival.
Almost 300 players compete in the tournament each year. This year, players will compete for $12,000 in cash prizes. The entry fee for players registering by February 26 is $99. After that date, the entry fee is $110. The entry fee for the MCF Blitz Championship, an exciting speed-chess tournament, is $35 by February 26 and $45 after that date.
The Millennium Chess Festival is held at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront, located at 5700 Atlantic Avenue at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.
Friday, February 29:
Registration, 5:00pm-7:30pm
MCF Round 1, 8:00pm
Saturday, March 1:
MCF Round 2, 9:30am
MCF Round 3, 2:30pm
Dinner & GM Exhibition Match, 7:00pm
Blitz Tournament, 10:00pm
Sunday, March 2:
MCF Round 4, 9:30am
MCF Round 5, 2:30pm
Time control for all rounds is Game/2 hours. We will be subtracting 5 minutes for digital clocks using Time Delay. Please set those clocks at G/1:55.